New banner by Maddy Lee

sábado, 11 de outubro de 2008

The Guess Who

Artificial Paradise é o oitavo álbum desta classica banda canadense.Com belas vocalizações, o disco tem um sonoridade diferenciada, vale uma conferida.
The Guess Who - Artificial Paradise 1973

Track Listing:
"All Hashed Out"
"Bye Bye Babe"
"Follow Your Daughter Home"
"Hamba Gahle-Usalang Gahle"
"Lost and Found Town"
"Rock and Roller Steam"
"Samantha's Living Room"
"The Watcher"
"Those Show Biz Shoes"


3 comentários:

crimsonking disse...

Great blog! Wheres the link for the guess who?

Big clash disse...

Thanks Crimsonking,
the link it's ok.

crimsonking disse...

Thanks! My copy of this album is all hiss and pop. It's great to listen to again.