TKO surgiu na cena musical de Seattle em 1977 e em 1979 lançava seu primeiro álbum, "Let it Roll". Os caras fazem um Heavy Metal tradicional. Para os amantes do gênero vale uma conferida.
Line up:
Brad Sinsel vocals
Kjarten Kristoffersen guitars
Scott The Bitch Earl bass
Ken Mary drums
Brad Sinsel vocals
Kjarten Kristoffersen guitars
Scott The Bitch Earl bass
Ken Mary drums
TKO - Below The Belt 1986

Track Listing:
01 - Beware The Hunter
02 - With My Back To The Wall
03 - Below The Belt
04 - Can't Let Go
05 - Chains Don't Changes
06 - Rock 'n' Roll Remains
07 - Seventeen
08 - Doin Time
09 - Fallin' To Peaces
10 - Sticks n' Stones
01 - Beware The Hunter
02 - With My Back To The Wall
03 - Below The Belt
04 - Can't Let Go
05 - Chains Don't Changes
06 - Rock 'n' Roll Remains
07 - Seventeen
08 - Doin Time
09 - Fallin' To Peaces
10 - Sticks n' Stones